- Cafe Restaurants, Honeoye
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Honeoye
- Catholic Churches, Honeoye
- Cellular & Mobile Phone Service, Honeoye
- Cemetary Information Management, Honeoye
- Ceramic Tile Installation - Repair, Honeoye - Ceramic Tiles Contractors
- Chiropractor, Honeoye
- Christian Churches, Honeoye
- Church Of Christ, Honeoye
- Churches 3 Of 3, Honeoye
- City & County Government, Honeoye
- Clinics, Honeoye
- Coffee, Espresso & Tea House Restaurants, Honeoye
- Communications Consultants, Honeoye
- Communications Services, Honeoye
- Community Services, Honeoye
- Construction, Honeoye
- Construction Companies, Honeoye
- Construction Equipment & Supplies, Honeoye
- Consultants & Services, Honeoye
- Contractor Equipment & Supplies, Honeoye - Construction Equipment & Machinery
- Contractors Equipment & Supplies - Rental & Leasing, Honeoye
- Convenience Stores, Honeoye
- Cremation Services, Supplies & Equipment, Honeoye